Rabies Vaccine (Three-Year)

Rabies Vaccine (Three-Year)


You must have proof of a current, unexpired rabies vaccination to get a three-year vaccine! To be clear, we will authorize a 30-day grace period from the expiration of your current rabies vaccine, but we can’t authorize any further than that.

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For three-year vaccines, you must provide a copy of your pet(s)’ current rabies vaccination to us in advance to be scheduled for a three-year vaccine. You can email your pet’s records to boardpresident@moaspets.com or you will be able to upload a copy of your pet’s current rabies vaccine (or a photo of it) when you schedule your appointment after you place your order here.

Remember, vaccines are only available during our monthly low-cost vaccine clinics, which are available by appointment only. When you purchase this item, you will be able to schedule an appointment between 11am and 3pm on our monthly vaccine clinic date. Appointments are available on a first come, first served basis.